Home / Blog Center / Chargers / Why Isn't My Faucet Supplying Hot Water? Common Causes and Solutions
14/02/2025 | Hawkrown
People often use faucets in their daily lives, and it’s possible to turn them on and off dozens of times a day. Faucets are essential in homes, and in addition to cold water faucets, many areas require the installation of hot and cold water faucets, such as bathrooms and kitchens, where both types of water are needed. So, what could be the reason if the faucet isn’t supplying hot water? Let’s explore this together with experts from Qijia.com.
What might cause a faucet to stop supplying hot water?
1. It could be a malfunction. In mixed faucets, if there’s a problem with the valve on the hot water side, it may prevent hot water from properly flowing into the mixing valve.
2. It’s possible that the inlet filter of the water heater is clogged, which would hinder the production of hot water in the heater, resulting in no hot water coming from the faucet.
What factors should be considered when purchasing a faucet?
1. Weight: High-quality faucets are typically not light. Even PVC faucets with ceramic valve cores won’t be lightweight. Lightweight faucets may indicate cost-cutting, as the interior might be hollowed out, leading to poor quality and a higher likelihood of bursting under water pressure.
2. Handle: The faucet handle impacts the ease of use. Generally, handles can be rotated or pressed; if the movement is not smooth enough, it is a cause for concern.
3. Valve core: The valve core is a crucial component of the faucet, as it controls water flow. Most hot and cold faucets on the market use ceramic valve cores, which are known for their good quality and long lifespan.
4. Rotation angle: For kitchen faucets, it is advisable to choose one that can rotate 180 degrees, allowing for the convenience of sharing one faucet between two sinks.
In summary, the above provides insights into why a faucet may stop supplying hot water and what factors to consider when purchasing a faucet. We hope the information shared by the editor can serve as a helpful reference. To learn more related knowledge, you can follow the news on Hawkrown.com.