Home / Blog Center / Chargers / The difference between cold and hot shower heads and thermostatic shower heads
13/12/2024 | Hawkrown
The market commonly features two types of showerheads: cold and hot showers and thermostatic showers。
What are the differences between the cold and hot showerheads and the thermostatic ones?
1、Internal Structure Differences
The ordinary shower faucet incorporates a ceramic valve core for temperature adjustment,which allows users to rotate the handle left or right to regulate the mix of hot and cold water、By turning the handle upwards,users can also adjust the water flow、However,if there is a sudden change in the pressure of hot or cold water,the temperature of the shower can also fluctuate,necessitating manual re-adjustment of the temperature,which can be inconvenient。
In contrast,thermostatic shower faucets are equipped with a built-in thermostatic valve、The mixed hot and cold water flows through this thermostatic valve before reaching the shower outlet、The thermostatic valve automatically adjusts the mixing ratio of hot and cold water using physical principles,eliminating the need for manual adjustments and remaining unaffected by changes in the pressure of hot and cold water。
2、Comfort Differences
During a regular shower,it’s common for the water temperature to fluctuate between cold and hot due to the varying temperatures affected by the pressures of hot and cold water、For example,if someone uses water simultaneously while another person is in the shower,the diversion of water can alter the water pressure,leading to temperature changes、In residential buildings,the water pressure can be unstable,causing sudden shifts in water temperature、This can be particularly concerning for the elderly and children,as a sudden drop in water temperature can lead to colds,while a sudden increase can cause burns。
Using a thermostatic shower can directly avoid these issues、With the help of the thermostatic valve,the showerhead can maintain a consistent temperature regardless of the fluctuations in the pressure of hot and cold water、However,it is important to note that when purchasing a showerhead,it is advisable to choose reputable products since these items not only offer superior quality but also tend to have longer lifespans and are less likely to develop various issues during use。
In summary,this article has explained the differences between cold and hot showerheads and thermostatic ones。