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Common Dimensions of Diamond Shower Rooms

12/12/2024 | Hawkrown

If you want to achieve a good separation of wet and dry areas in the bathroom, a shower enclosure becomes very important、Let's take a look at the common sizes for diamond-shaped shower enclosures.

Common Sizes of Diamond-Shaped Shower Enclosures

Typical sizes for diamond-shaped shower enclosures include 90*90 cm, 90*120 cm, 100*100 cm, and 120*120 cm.

1、The width of the shower enclosure should allow for free movement, ensuring that the user can turn around easily and open their arms without hitting the glass、For taller users, a size of 100*100 cm may be suitable、If the bathroom space is limited, a size of 85*85 cm can work, but it is recommended not to go smaller than 80*80 cm.

2、The common ceiling height in bathrooms is around 240 cm, so the height of the shower enclosure should ideally be between 180 cm and 200 cm, with a standard height of 1.95 m、However, it can be adjusted based on the height of the family members and the spatial situation.

Installation Notes for Diamond-Shaped Shower Enclosures

1、Before installation, make sure to prepare all necessary tools and accurately measure the dimensions of the shower enclosure、Have all the essential fittings ready, including faucets, showerheads, and piping, to avoid any delays in the project.

2、Typically, for a 90*90 cm shower enclosure, one corner will be positioned just below the door frame.

3、When installing the shower enclosure, the installer will need to cut the part of the door frame that overlaps with the enclosure using a cutting machine, and use a chisel to remove any excess area、After cutting, the door frame will not be even; ensure that the installer smooths the edges and finishes them with sandpaper.

4、During the installation of the aluminum frame, it's important to have the installer adjust the verticality first, ensuring that there is a gap between the aluminum frame and the door frame、Once the aluminum frame is installed, seal it with glass adhesive or sealing strips to prevent water from leaking out of the shower enclosure, which could cause moisture damage to the door frame.

Conclusion:This information about the typical sizes of diamond-shaped shower enclosures and the installation notes has been provided to assist you、If you would like to learn more related knowledge, please continue to follow our website for more exciting content in the future.

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