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Understanding Shower Connectors: 4分 vs 6分 Explained

12/12/2024 | Hawkrown

When it comes to shower heads, most people are quite familiar with them, as they are commonly used materials in construction、However, many may feel confused when it comes to choosing the right one、Let's take a closer look at whether the shower connector is 4 points or 6 points。

一、Is the shower connector 4 points or 6 points?

The connector is typically 4 points、Shower heads in bathrooms usually use a 4-point connector, while a 6-point connector is suitable for high-rise buildings、Since the shower's interface has internal threads, it's necessary to use an external threaded straight connector for installation to ensure a proper fit、This usually involves a 4-point internal threaded elbow、Before installation, it's important to determine the installation height、Generally, the height of the showerhead should be kept between 90 to 100 cm from the floor。

二、What are the precautions for using a shower head?

1、When installing the shower head, make sure to clean any debris from the pipes, as this can damage or clog the valve core、Additionally, the surface of the shower head should be free from any construction materials、When adjusting the shower head, avoid using excessive force; a gentle turn is sufficient, as excessive force may damage the shower head。

2、The shower hose should be left naturally stretched and should not be coiled or placed at awkward angles with the faucet, as this may cause the hose to break、The faucet should not be used as a support handrail、If you notice the nozzle isn't shutting off properly, it may be because of a hard object stuck in it、You can resolve this by removing the handle and valve cover to clean out any debris before reassembling。

3、Maintain good habits; after using the shower, wipe the showerhead dry with a towel, and periodically clean the showerhead to avoid clogging、For rubber showerheads, you can clean them by rubbing with your hand, while for metal showerheads, a paperclip can be used to clear the water holes。

4、Additionally, avoid using the shower head in areas with high temperatures or strong ultraviolet exposure, as this can accelerate aging and reduce its lifespan、Keep it away from heat sources, especially maintaining a distance of at least 60 cm from heaters。

In summary, today I shared information regarding whether the shower connector is 4 points or 6 points, along with important usage precautions、If you would like to learn more, please continue to follow Hawkrown.com, as we will have more exciting content for you in the future。

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